Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bundles of Joy

May I present my first babies (that is what our teacher Eric called them!):

These are the first two pieces to come out of the kiln although they are my 3rd and 4th pieces to actually make. They were glazed in yellow and white and are now on the shelf waiting for their 2nd firing. The ceramic studio is rather casual so I am not sure how long it will take to get them back- one more piece (#2) has been added to the shelf as well.
Our teacher suggested keeping a record of the pieces by drawing a little picture and numbering each piece, then writing down which glaze is used. I love the idea of that and started numbering my pieces, however after #6 I have lost count between a couple waiting for trimming, a couple waiting to be fired.. I dont really know how many I have...Also, quite frankly, I am not that good at keeping track of things, so we shall see how that goes. I like the idea and Jun suggested I take pictures with my camera phone so maybe that will be the easiest solution. (Luckily, Marjorie is very good at taking pictures for us so far- Thanks Marjorie!)  Alas, I do have plenty of empty sketchbooks collected over the years that would make a nice ceramic journal ... any suggestions or discussion of organization and record keeping are enjoyed... happy throwing!

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