Saturday, August 21, 2010

Numero Uno

Here I gooooooooooooooooooo

I have always loved art and interiors, interiors and art.

I remember the day my mom took me to Laguna Gloria Art Museum and I realized what an artist IS and that I too could be an artist. Creating from your head, doing your own thing, nobody telling you what to do, the solitude of the studio -as a little one I couldn’t wait for all that!

Growing up my mom had House Beautiful around all the time (she keeps the issues for ever… if I were to go there today I could peruse October 1999). My mom rearranged our house all the time and once I could slide furniture around, I did too.
One day I closed the door to my bedroom, my friend Whitney and I rearranged all the furniture and then pulled out the paint pens and decorated everything with our names, (my name- it was my furniture! My room!) flowers and vines with some stickers thrown in.

I love when the two are combined and twisted together… when artists aren’t just making art and designers aren’t just designing. And, it tires me that so many people insist on separating the two (especially artists, sorry comrades to neg on you, but some of you can be real conservative like that). Mix it up is what I vote for.

When I am at work I collect tons and tons of images of things. Sometimes, I go back to look at an image and I don’t like it anymore, but I keep it around so I can deconstruct what initially grabbed me and try to figure out what makes one thing lasting and one thing a flash in the pan.

Despite enjoying the solitude of the studio, Another thing I really like is community and that is what I think can be neat about blogs and the web in general. And why I want to be part of it. Since I spend so much time looking at other people's blogs and taking taking taking from them, I would like to give back a little. (And if you ever want me to design a room, or show you my art,  I would do that !)

I love design blogs and I love in progress artists blogs… so here I go.


  1. hey! congrats to beginning. looking forward to reading your updates.

    david john

  2. Strangeness- I just saw this comment for the very first time, just now!
    I guess i don't know how to operate blogspot so well-
    but I am learning.

    Nonetheless, Thank you and I am so happy I saw your comment finally!
    YHBHS- so inspiring!
